Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Always Busy and a bit about me.

Well, I should really update/customize this blog, but I just have been too busy, so this will have to do for now.  Patrick's having surgery tomorrow, work's a little crazy, and I can't say no sometimes.

Instead of a long, dramatic what we've been up to kind of post, I'm going to answer Joy's questions from The Sowell Life.

A Bit About Angela

1. Out of the 24 hours in a day, what is your favorite time on the clock and why?
This is a tough one... probably 11 am. I'm at my peak effectiveness around that time.

2. What is your favorite magazine to get in the mail or buy in the store?
 Martha! Even if I don't have time to be quite that crafty, I like to think I could/would be.

3. Twitter or Facebook?
Twitter! I use Facebook so much for work that I like to disconnect from it, but I've met great friends and had the funniest convos via Twitter.

4. What's your best memory of high school?
I loved our little high school.  Favorite memory probably is in Mrs. Herrington's AP English class. 

5. What's your go to website for shopping?
Clothes or homegoods? Clothes - JCREW, Gap...Classic, preppy style.  For the house - Pottery Barn...there's isn't one in Mississippi!

6. A blogger who inspires you?
Probably Sherry Petersik of Young House Love.  I'm slightly obsessed with them and their creativeness.

7. Who is your celebrity crush?
Can I specify a specific time period? If so, Brad Pitt, in like 2005. with short hair.  If current is my only option, Ben Affleck.

8. What's a book you'd recommend to read?
My Life in France - Julia Child

9. A favorite recipe you love to make?
Chocolate trifle - Dark chocolate cake soaked in Kahlua, fresh whipped cream, and fudge.

10. Your favorite app on your phone?
11. You've got an afternoon kid free and job free, what would you do?
Lay by a pool (that I don't have) and then get a pedicure.

12. The restaurant you always crave?
Another hard one since I was a food blogger.  In Jackson - Ruth Chris, but only because Jeremy is the Chef.  In New Orleans, Restaurant August.  Best meal, hands down.

So now you know a little more about me, what would your answers be?


  1. Ahhhh.... our high school was the best! And I'm with you on facebook... I'm twitter all the way. We love Ruth Chris here in Bham. It's where we got engaged. =)

    1. The chef in Ridgeland is a friend of mine and he ALWAYS spoils us!
