Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Five

I'm linking up with Joy from The Sowell Life today!

1. New Orleans - Still holds a BIG piece of my heart.  We went last weekend for a friend's retirement ceremony and celebration and had the BEST time.  Susan and Mike are fabulous hosts and spoiled us with a crawfish boil that went late into the night.  We stayed at the beautiful Columns Hotel and spoiled ourselves with brunch at Dante's Kitchen before heading home.

2. Home Improvement - As I said last post, we're still look like we just moved in to our house.  I've decided the first step is to get some curtains up!  I found some I love, but they're just too short.  Do you have a favorite place to buy curtains (100+ inches)?

3. Weekend Plans - We're heading to MS Braves baseball tonight and then I'm heading to Starkville for a bridal shower Saturday, with a big hat.
4. Husband is still pretty sick and having surgery next week.  Keep him in your prayers!
5. Cromwell is NOT a fan of the rain we've had lately and neither am I.  Hopefully that will clear up soon and we can enjoy our backyard again.

1 comment:

  1. Hope P has a better week! Being sick is no fun. Praying for a successful surgery! I can't wait to see more photos of the house. And maybe you should pick out your own fabric and have someone make the curtains for you.... Thanks for linking up! And I can't wait to see more blog posts!! =)
