Thursday, July 25, 2013

Getting to Know You

Tuesday's post was just the start.  Here's some more you about me!

  1. What part of Mississippi are you from? Madison
  2. How long have you been blogging? Off and on for 4 years.
  3. Why did you start blogging? I started as a way to connect with family and friends when we lived in Arizona.  I was pretty miserable out there.
  4. Tell us what we can expect when reading your blog. A little bit of everything, but mostly lots of puppy pictures and some good recipes, especially since football season is just around the corner.
  5. What does your blog title means? Pretty self explanatory ;)
  6. What do you love about being part of Mississippi Women Bloggers? Great community!
  7. Who inspires you to blog? It's a fun way to de-stress after a long day and express myself.
  8. If you could pick a favorite blog post from this past year, what would it be? That's a short list! Probably my Bundt cake recipe.
  9. Do your real life friends know you blog?  How do they respond? Yep.  They're kinda meh.
  10. What is your blogging routine (if you have one)? Not even close.  I wish I did!
  11. We all love social media!  Are there any social media links you would like to share so we can follow you?
  12. Name 3 bloggers who have not joined Mississippi Women Bloggers that you would like to see join us!  MK @ Joyfully Uncomfortable...can't think of any others


  1. I can't wait to see what recipes you share when football season starts! I'm a huge MSU football fan and tailgating is key! Ha!

    1. Our tailgate started as just a little thing but we've expanded so much that we have tents, tablecloths, and tv! We plan the menu out according to our rival, aka gator sausage vs. Florida, so I can't wait to see what we come up with this year!

  2. I love me some puppy pictures! Thanks for linking up with us :)

    1. I need to put some new ones up...He's not looking forward to the end of summer.

  3. I'm also looking forward to your tailgating recipes! I can't believe football season is upon us again!

  4. Yeah, I'm on the tailgate recipe bandwagon! Lol. Football season is so close I can taste it!
